This day is celebrated as Vaikuntha Ekadashi and Gita Jayanti, marking the revelation of the Bhagavad Gita by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. This year, we commemorate the 5161st anniversary of this divine scripture, which continues to inspire humanity with its eternal wisdom.
The Significance of Mokshada EkadashiOn this sacred day, devotees observe a fast and worship Lord Damodara with incense, lamps, offerings, and devotion. Lord Krishna explained to Yudhishthira that this Ekadashi is known as Mokshada Ekadashi as it liberates souls from the cycle of birth and death.
The Story of Mokshada EkadashiIn ancient times, a virtuous king named Vaikhanas ruled the city of Gokula. One night, he dreamt that his father was suffering in the torments of hell. Deeply distressed, he sought guidance from learned Brahmins in his kingdom.
The Brahmins advised him to consult Sage Parvata, who was known for his spiritual insight. The sage revealed that the king’s father had committed a sin in his past life by denying conjugal rights to one of his wives at the behest of another.
The sage recommended observing the Mokshada Ekadashi fast and dedicating its merits to the king’s father. The king performed the fast along with his family and followed the prescribed rituals. As a result, his father was liberated from hell and ascended to the heavenly realms, blessing his son with prosperity and well-being.
Importance of Mokshada Ekadashi VratObserving this fast destroys sins and paves the way for liberation. The benefits of this vrat are described as being equivalent to performing a Vajapeya Yajna. Listening to or reciting the story of Mokshada Ekadashi is also highly meritorious.
Vedic and Dharmic Insights
Connection to Vaikuntha EkadashiMokshada Ekadashi is linked to Vaikuntha Ekadashi in South Indian tradition. On this day, the gates of Vaikuntha are believed to open, offering devotees direct access to the divine realm.
Bhagavad Gita and Sanatan DharmaThe Bhagavad Gita, revealed on this day, is a scripture comprising 700 verses that encapsulate the essence of Vedic wisdom. It provides guidance on leading a life aligned with dharma, karma, and spiritual liberation.
Ritual Observances
Devotees rise early and take a holy bath.
Temples are adorned, and special pujas dedicated to Lord Vishnu are conducted.
Chanting Vishnu Sahasranama and reciting the Bhagavad Gita are encouraged.
Acts of charity enhance the benefits of the vrat.
Astrological SignificanceMargashirsha, mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita as the most auspicious month, amplifies the spiritual benefits of this Ekadashi. Observing it during this month brings great merit.
Symbolism of LiberationMokshada Ekadashi signifies the victory of devotion and dharma over ignorance and sin. It emphasizes that true liberation is achieving spiritual union with the Supreme.
Reflections on the GitaLord Krishna’s teachings in the Bhagavad Gita are a guide to self-realization. It teaches the principles of:
Karma Yoga: Performing duties selflessly.
Bhakti Yoga: Devotion to God.
Jnana Yoga: Pursuit of knowledge and self-awareness.
By incorporating these principles into our lives, we can transcend material bondage and attain eternal peace and liberation.
May this Mokshada Ekadashi bring enlightenment, grace, and spiritual progress to all.