ME2WE Talks
Mam Sessions
21 Dec to 10 Jan - Free Meditation start(manjushree rathi)
3 Jan 2021- Agnihotra(Manjushree Rathi)
11 Jan to 30 Jan - Meditation & yog (Manjushree Rathi)
extended full February free...
7th Feb 2021- Agnihotra & Physical Health ( Bruce johnson, manjushree rathi)
14 Feb 2021- Agnihotra & Corona( Bruce Johnson, Manjushree Rathi)
25 Feb 2021 - Agnihotra ( Manjushree Rathi)
1 March 2021- why meditation(understand the importance of Meditation and how U can benefit from it) prof. manjushree Rathi
1st March to 21 March - 21 days Advance meditation English (ManjuShree rathi)
1st march to 30 April- 60 days advance meditation Hindi( Manjushree rathi)
7 March 2021- Agnihota & Mental health ( Bruce johnson, Manjushree Rathi)
29 March 2021- Holi special MEDITATION (Manjushree Rathi)
1st April 2021- How to live Holistic & Balanced Life MASTER CLASS (Prof. Manjushree Rathi)
4th April 2021- Agnihotra Organic Farming( Manjushree Rathi)
5April to 25 April- 21 days 9th session (Manjushree Rathi)
20 April 2021 - BE HEALTHY (Dr. bishwaroop roy Chowdhury)
22 April 2021 Earth day (Manjushree Rathi)
28 April 2021- Boost your immunity ( Dr. Nilesh Chowdhury)
4 May 2021- 21 days get together( ManjuShree Rathi)
5 May 201- Healthy cooking & Improve immunity (Dr. Nilesh & ManjuShree rathi)
6 May2021- Financial & Spiritual Empowerment ( Manjushree Rathi)
7 May 2021 - Financial & Spiritual Empowerment continue session (Manjushree Rathi)
12 May 2021- Dincharya according to Ayurveda ( Manjushree Rathi)
13 May 2021- Laughter wax( Varsha Talwaar)
16 May 2021- Agnihotra & Health(Prof. Manjushree Rathi)
19 May 2021 wed- Surprise (Manjushree Rathi)
26 May Wed - Buddha Purnima meditation (Manjushree Rathi)
2 June wed - Unconditional love (Manjushree Rathi)
9 juke wed - Built your better Version ( Manjushree Rathi)
16 June wed - Natural living( Manjushree Rathi)
23 June wed - Evolution and basic needs of living organisms including humans (Mahesh Mahadev Rajwade)
30 June wed - Natural living & Natural with Manjushree Rathi
7 July wed - laughter double dhamaka
14 July wed- Narmada parikrama(A turning point/from nastik to Astik)
21 July wed- Children Development & Memory Techniques
28 July wed- Lifestyle according to the energy science of Nature(Tarachand belji)
4 August - Millets for healthy life by Manjushree
11August- Energy,product &our body by manjushree
15 August - Talk on yagna and plantation for PMC gujarat by Manjushree
15 August- Real Independence? by Manjushree
18Aug (Wed) freedom from illness (Manjushree Rathi)
25Aug (Wed) establishment of sanatan dharma through the Avenue of Science & Grace (Reiner szcypior)
1 Sept(Wed)- Natural Farming (kavita devi)
8 Sept(Wed) Ganpati Eco-Friendly Decoration (Manjushree Rathi)
1 June to 17 June tak daily Mon to Friday- duscussion
7 June,14 June,21 June, 28 June, 5 July, 12 July, 19 July, 26 July, 2 August (MONDAY)- Financial Empowerment
2 August (Monday)- Energy and welness start
13 june se Every saturday Bookclub
starting date 30 july every friday Movie club
12 sept (Sunday) Agnihotra by Manjushree Rathi
15 Sept (Wednesday) cure yourself Naturally by Manjushree Rathi
22 Sept -
29 Sept (Wednesday)- jaisa anna waisa mann by komal sahani
13 October (Wednesday) Urja ke mai roop by Tarachand beli
14 October Importance of meditation by Manjushree Rathi
17 October Agnihotra
20 October ME fitness through yoga by jaydeep Lakhalani
27 October jaideep Lakhalani